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New Radio Series

The Department of Public Policy at the University of Malta, in collaboration with Campus FM, are producing a radio series which looks at the link between politics and literature.

This series of programmes, Il-Politika fil-Letteratura, discusses the political implications of works of literature from Malta and around the world. Both classical and contemporary literature are brought under scrutiny in order to observe patterns, styles and attitudes adopted by authors when they write about political and sociological realities.

Dr Mario Thomas Vassallo and André P. DeBattista are researching and presenting this 17-programme series with the participation of Simone Chircop who will be reading excerpts from selected works.

Il-Politika fil-Letteratura will be aired on Campus FM 103.7 FM every Tuesday at 20:00 and repeated on Wednesdays at 10:00 between February and May 2017.

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