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Launch of “Public Life in Malta II”

The Department of Public Policy within the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting at the University of Malta has published the book “Public Life in Malta II: Papers on governance, politics and public affairs in the EU’s smallest member state.” Dr Mario Thomas Vassallo and Fr Carmel Tabone O.P. edited this publication.

The book was launched at Verdala Palace on Monday 6th February 2017 under the auspices of H.E. the President of Malta, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca. At the close of the launch, the President addressed the assembled guests.

"Public Life in Malta II" includes thirteen papers by academics, students and researchers on themes relating to politics, governance, public management and policy making.

My chapter in this publication, “‘Centred in self yet not unpleased to please’ - The Arts of Political Leadership in Post-Colonial Malta (1964 – 1979),” traces the role of the arts of political leadership in Malta’s formative period following independence.

The study looks at some elements which provide context to political leadership in Malta. It examines the role of individual leaders in the context of Malta’s contentious post-colonial development.

The key players of the period include Prime Ministers George Borg Olivier and Dom Mintoff, the Governor-General (later President) Sir Anthony Mamo, Archbishops Michael Gonzi and Joseph Mercieca, and the then Leader of the Opposition Eddie Fenech Adami.

This study is supported by a myriad of primary sources including archival documents, correspondence between officials, contemporary newspaper articles, and memoirs penned by both the leaders and their closest collaborators.

The book may be purchased from Agenda Bookshops and other leading retail outlets.

Photo: Facebook

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