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Josef Gambin's Quest

S. Debono’s debut novel, “It-Tfittxija għall-Ġenwin ta' Josef Gambin”, introduces us to the personal journey of Josef Gambin whose adolescence and youth are beset by a constant search for meaning, identity and authenticity.

Debono’s powerful narrative indirectly raises questions which should challenge society; do we take into account that young adults are also on a quest for meaning? At what age should religious organisations seek to recruit vocations? How can we help individuals make a free and informed decision rather than a conditioned one?

The novel, published in 2016 by Horizons, can be purchased online or from several leading book shops.

My full review of this book for The Sunday Times (26.II.2017) may be read by clicking here.

My interview with the author of the book has been uploaded here. The interview is in Maltese.

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