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Juncker’s visions for the EU

Jean-Claude Juncker personifies everything that is wrong with the European Union. Following the 2014 European Parliament elections, only the United Kingdom and Hungary opposed his election to the post of president of the European Commission. And yet, no one seems to like him or believe that he is an effective leader. My article in The Times of Malta (09/III/2017) explores the five options outlined in the white paper on the future of Europe: "Perhaps, for the first time during his tenure, Juncker is displaying some signs of realism and leadership. He officially acknowledged that Europe is deeply fractured and that its place in the world is shrinking in comparison with the rise of Asia.

This document is groundbreaking since it places the onus on the individual member states – a significant departure for an organisation used to determining its agenda. The five options are varied." The full article may be read here.

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