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Pope Benedict at 90

Today, Easter Sunday, the Pope Emeritus celebrates his 90th birthday. Throughout his short eight-year pontificate, Pope Benedict XVI was often criticised by a hostile establishment which rarely engaged with the profound meaning of his message. His milestone birthday presents an opportunity to re-assess his prolific output and address its continuing relevance.

In my article in The Sunday Times I reflect on this great man and on the impact that his words still have in contemporary society:

"Benedict XVI is one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century. His work touches upon many aspects of human life – social relations, the economy, culture and political systems.

His image as an inflexible man does not do justice to his openness to the world. His dialogues with Jürgen Habermas and Marcello Pera were published in book form and are a prototype of intelligent and meaningful dialogue. His guests to lunch included the journalist Oriana Fallaci and the controversial theologian Hans Kung – both critics of the Church or of his Papacy."

The full article may be read here.

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