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The Politics of National Anthems

National Anthems are part of the iconography of statehood. According to Benedict Anderson, “No matter how banal the words and mediocre the tunes, there is in this singing an experience of simultaneity.”

In the twelfth programme from the series "Il-Politika fil-Letteratura," Dr Mario Thomas Vassallo and I discuss the role of national anthems and their lyrical significance. We focus on the following anthems: God Save the Queen (United Kingdom), Innu Malti (Malta), Canto degli Italiani (Italy), La Marseillaise (France) and the Bayernhymn (Bavaria)

The programme will be aired on Campus FM at the following dates/times:

Tuesday 18th April at 8.00pm

Wednesday 19th April at 10.00am

Saturday 22nd April at noon.


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