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The Failure of Revolution

In Venezuela, Hugo Chavez’s so-called “Bolivarian Revolution” led to widespread poverty and discontent. His successor, Nicolas Maduro, faces protests and pressure to resign. He has responded through violence and repression.

In my article in The Times (05.VI.2017), I reflect on the failure of revolutions:

"Revolution has a corrupting influence which leads to exploitation, sleaze and dishonesty. It hinges on the perpetuation of a rhetorical narrative which is discredited at the first sign of trouble. This will have negative consequences on both supporters and opponents of the so-called revolution.

The dictum that “a government that can give you anything can take away everything” rings true. The guarantee for well-being, fairness and social justice does not come through government handouts but through strong institutional checks and balances."

The full article may be read here.

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