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An exemplary public servant

H.R.H. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, retired from his royal duties on 2 August 2017 at the age of 96. He embodies the values of duty and continuity for the sake of the common good.

My piece in The Times of Malta (09.VIII.2017) discusses some of the aspects of his public life and argues that there is more to the Duke of Edinburgh than his sense of humour:

"Beyond his humorous gaffes and easy-going nature, the Duke of Edinburgh exemplifies tireless public service – a devotion to public life which is rare in a world which has become intensely individualistic and blind to the values which shape the common good.

He retires at the age of 96 after a lifetime of service. In November he will be celebrating 70 years of married life. We won’t be doing him justice if we focus solely on his gaffes.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s retirement drives home the reality that a generation which valued public life, family and duty is slowly dying out. The tributes he received in the wake of his retirement are well deserved. There is much to learn from the service of this exemplary public servant."

The full article may be read here

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