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Messianic Leadership

Politicians who project an image of messianic promise are popular among segments of society where people feel ‘disenfranchised’, ‘downtrodden’ and ‘forgotten’. However, this hero-worship can be dangerous. I argue some of these points in my article published in The Times of Malta (11.IX.2017):

"As internal party elections become more frequent in Malta, there will be an added focus on the desirable qualities of leaders. Citizens and voters cannot be mere ‘followers’ or ‘critics’. We are also called to scrutinise our political leaders and hold them to account.

Mythologising political leaders serves to weaken the function of scrutiny. Propagating the myth of the strong leader can have the dangerous consequence of undermining a more collegial style of leadership.

This will ultimately impoverish our political culture. It will weaken the same institutions which give authority and influence to the political leader. In due course, those who will be affected most by this situation are the same persons who are in great need of representation."

The full article may be read on The Times of Malta's website.

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