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Leading the Opposition

The election of a new Nationalist Party leader shifted the focus on what is often described as the worst job in politics. The new leader needs to possess the skills to lead a political party while also being responsible for leading the Opposition. The second is the most important.

In my 'Talking Point' in The Times (18.IX.2017), I look at the role of the Leader of the Opposition and I analyse why this is important for the functioning of our democracy:

"In their different roles, both the government and the Opposition are being loyal to their constitutional duties and their constituents. A leader of the Opposition cannot be judged solely in terms of electoral success and the acquisition of power. Within the Westminster system, the concept of ‘power’ is more nuanced than the linguistic term suggests. Power is not understood in absolutist terms."

I conclude that "the national interest is best served by both a stable and responsible government and a strong, active Opposition."

The full article may be read on the Times of Malta website.

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