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Falcone and Borsellino

Twenty five years ago, two crimes committed at a distance of two months from each other reminded a stunned world of the horrors of organised crime. In my piece in The Times of Malta (18.IX.2017), I pay tribute to Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino and discuss some of the horrors of organised crime and its links with politics:

"Falcone and Borsellino were also heroic in the fact that they operated from within institutions which, at times, colluded and collaborated with the Mafia. One famous Mafioso once used the following analogy: “We are one body: bandits, police and Mafia – like the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” It is a frightening analogy, but one which sheds light on the wider nature of organised crime. It tells us that the criminal world views itself as a god-like structure; omnipotent and omnipresent with three distinct branches of one substance.

It also reveals a glaring reality which is often ignored because of its uncomfortable implications – serious organised crime exists and thrives because of collusion with corrupt governments, crooked officials and dishonest politics."

The full article may be read on the Times of Malta website

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