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Fatima - a century later

In my monthly piece for Il-Lehen (24.IX.2017), I reflect on the hundredth anniversary of the apparitions at Fatima. For many years, there was much speculation surrounding so-called 'Secret of Fatima'. Many were disappointed when this was finally revealed in the year 2000. It spoke of an attempt on the life of a man dressed in white. In light of the events of the 13th May 1981, the 'man dressed in white' was believed to be Pope John Paul II.

In the article, I quote from the reflection on the third prophesy by the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. Ratzinger argued that the events at Fatima are consistent with the essence of the Catholic faith - it cannot be reduced to something sensational, it can never satisfy our curiosity and it points to the fact that individuals still have a degree of agency in shaping their future. Rather, faith should be devoid of unnecessary sentimentalism and can never be dominated by sensationalism - faith is a constant call for conversion.

The full article can be read by clicking here.

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