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Merkel's No-Win Situation

Angela Merkel's CDU-CSU emerged as the largest party in the German Federal Elections held on the 24th September. However, her success at the polls won't go unchallenged. The ruling coalition got 33.2% of the vote (8.4% less than in 2013), which translated into 65 fewer seats in the Bundestag. In my 'Talking Point' in The Times (28.IX.2017), I explore some of the post-election difficulties which Merkel will have to deal with:

"The poor showing of the leading parties led to a situation where only a ‘Jamaica Coalition’ is possible. Named after the colours of the constituent parties and the exotic ideological permutations, it will see Christian Democrats, Conservatives, Libertarians and Greens sharing power. Such a coalition has never been tested federally, but it is the only option available to Merkel."

The full article may be read by clicking here.

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