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Failed Campaign Lessons

Hillary Clinton is on a book tour promoting her latest memoir 'What Happened'. This book gives her account of the campaign leading to that fateful day in November 2016 when the presidential election was hers to lose – and she lost it.

In my piece for The Times of Malta (10.XI.2017) I briefly review this book and highlight the main lessons one can draw from Hillary Clinton's gargantuan failure. A year on from this election, foreign interference in electoral processes emerges as the most pressing concern. President Trump's unsuitability for public office comes a close second:

"The sorry situation in the US does not bode well for our democracies. When one looks at this great nation now divided, vulnerable to foreign interference and led by a figure lifted out of a bad tragic-comedy, one can’t help but ask – what hope is there for the rest of us?"

The full piece can be read by clicking here.

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