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The Political Life of Eddie Fenech Adami

My latest academic study is published in “Eddie Fenech Adami: Bejn Storja u Miti”, edited by Sergio Grech. The chapter is titled “Riformatur, Demokristjan u Ewropejista: Il-Ħajja Politika ta’ Eddie Fenech Adami” (Reformer, Christian Democrat and Europeanist: The Political Life of Eddie Fenech Adami).

In an editorial published on the 29th October 1996, The Times of London described Dr Eddie Fenech Adami as a “great European moderniser” – as a man who hoped to turn Malta into a modern European state.

In the elections held just three days before, the Nationalist Party led by Fenech Adami was sent to the Opposition benches. Despite the fact that Fenech Adami had not yet reached the peak of his career, he had already made a considerable impact on the international stage. He had already cemented his reputation as a pro-European Christian Democrat reformer.

He had a long and distinguished public life. He was a Member of Parliament for the Nationalist Party from October 1969 until March 2004. During this period he occupied the highest posts as established by the Constitution of Malta including Leader of the Opposition (1977 – 1987 and 1996 – 1998), Prime Minister (1987 – 1996 and 1998 – 2004) and President (2004 – 2009).

This study analyses the reformist element of Eddie Fenech Adami’s career at party level and the national level. His reformist ideas were built on two pillars – the ideological pillar (his Christian Democratic beliefs) and the political pillar (his pro-European convictions). The analysis builds on a biographical narrative. It makes use of primary sources including archival documents and diplomatic telegrams, autobiographical sources, personal recollections and contemporary newspapers.

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