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The Constitutional Order

In view of the recent discussions on a possible constitutional reform, I argue that a discussion on the principles which underpin the Constitution should precede any talk of specific measures. In my piece in The Times of Malta (12.I.2018), I expand on some themes related to the constitutional order:

"A stable constitution establishes an order which distinguishes between the office and the office-holder. It has the purpose of protecting the citizen from the arbitrary use of power by both the office and the office-holder. It also should ensure that the dignity of the office is maintained even in cases of misconduct by the office-holder. In this scenario, the office-holder should also be subject to the law.

In other cases, the actions of people who occupy high public office may be discordant with the content of their speeches and public pronouncements. This discredits the political system and, in turn, leads to a widespread crisis of trust."

The full article may be read by clicking here.

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