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St Francis de Sales

On the 24 January, the Church marks the feast of St Francis de Sales, Bishop of Geneva, Doctor of the Church and patron saint of Catholic writers and adult education.

St Francis de Sales was born in 1567 in the Savoy region. He studied in the prestigious universities of Paris and Padua and was consecrated Bishop-Coadjutor of Geneva in 1599. In 1602 he was appointed Diocesan bishop of Geneva.

He wrote in a manner which was accessible to all the faithful. In his work, he encouraged the practice of prayer and meditation. He died at Lyons on 28 December 1622. He was canonised by Pope Alexander VII in 1665. Pope Pius IX declared him Doctor of the Church in 1877.

He once wrote that "half an hour's meditation each day is essential, except when you are busy. Then a full hour is needed." Catholic writers and teachers have much to learn from the life of Francis de Sales. He rightly understood that the life of the mind and the life of faith need to be nourished by silent prayer and meditation.

May his life and work always be of inspiration to those in the field.

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