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Trump's fire and fury

Donald Trump marked his first anniversary as President of the United States of America and delivered his first State of the Union address. In my piece in The Times of Malta (03.II.2018) I give a brief overview of the Trump presidency so far:

"Public commentary has largely forgotten the importance of hidden diplomatic channels. Instead, it chooses to focus on the inane utterances of Trump. In doing so, it gives them the attention and the importance that they do not deserve... Trump is not suitable to occupy public office; there is no doubt about that...

However, the real threats to stability and security do not lie in the White House but in other locations around the globe. Most notably, they thrive in the ideologically-charged North Korea, in hidden terror cells, and in the insidious expansionist corridors of power in Beijing and Moscow.

The authority of these powers is unchecked and unrestrained while Trump’s ‘fire and fury’ can be tamed in the next electoral cycle. The other threats are there to stay. We must not lose sight of that either."

The full article may be read by clicking here.

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