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Value of human dignity

Institutions can commit atrocious injustices. The past century reminds us that, if power is not restrained, governments become perpetrators of the most heinous crimes. Individualism is often seen as the antidote to the use of absolute power by the state. As a result, individual choice has become a quasi-religion and a guiding principle of public policy.

In my piece for The Times of Malta (07.II.2018) I argue that the respect for the human person should be at the forefront of all political considerations. I suggest that the antidote to the dominant state and rampant individualism is to think the concept of both individual and state afresh:

"Peace, when understood solely as the preservation of a balance of powers, becomes subject to geopolitical considerations, economic concerns and trade interests. This may derail it from its primary aim – that of protecting the safety and welfare of the human person.

Likewise, in our society, when politics turns into the appeasement of special interest groups, injustices are committed to those who have neither the power nor the influence to voice their concerns.

Similarly, equality is often mistaken for equity thus preventing people from being treated justly, fairly and impartially. The voices of those who have no lobby group to champion their cause are drowned by the loudest and most obnoxious crowds."

The full piece may be read by clicking here.

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