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The President's Pastor

The Rev. Dr. Billy Graham passed away on the 21 February 2018. In my piece for The Times of Malta (1.III.2018), I look at some of the friendships he had with various Presidents as well as his legacy as a great teacher of the Christian faith:

"Critics who accuse Graham of mixing religion and politics miss one crucial point – world leaders are also human beings who need friendship, advice and spiritual solace. President Clinton would later recall: 'When he prays with you in the Oval Office or upstairs in the White House, you feel like he is praying for you, not the president.'

One can take issue with some of his finer theological viewpoints. However, there are some lessons which persons of the Christian faith can draw from this long and remarkable life...

The tributes pouring in are a testament to his dedication to others. Graham was truly convinced that he was preaching the ‘Good News’, and since this news was good, he sought to spread it to whoever was open to it."

The full piece may be read by clicking here.

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