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A tough assignment

Pope Francis has appointed Mgr Alfred Xuereb as Apostolic Nuncio to South Korea and Mongolia. His latest appointment brings with it a number of challenges. In my piece for The Times of Malta (16.III.2018), I explore some of the challenges that the Church faces in the Korean peninsula:

"Although North Korea has no official relations with the Holy See, the Holy See is certainly aware that underground Catholics face persecution. As the Pope’s envoy in Korea and Mongolia, this will probably weigh on the mind of Mgr. Xuereb.

The Church in Malta rightly rejoices over this appointment. He will undoubtedly serve with distinction. However, we must also appreciate that the task he faces is difficult. Mgr. Xuereb deserves all our best wishes, as well as some prayers from the faithful."

The full piece may be read by clicking here.

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