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ISIS and Public Administration

Rukmini Callimachi's investigative work and the publication of the ISIS files provides a much needed glimpse on their administration of the territories under their control. Her findings provide some interesting points for reflection.In my piece for The Times of Malta (14.IV.2018), I look at some of these issues:

"One factor which never ceases to surprise me is that vile and brutal regimes always seem to have their cheerleaders – long after they are gone and long after their cruel misdeeds are uncovered.

Despite the awfulness of the Fascist regime in Italy, some assert that “at least the trains ran on time”. Many who experienced communist repression can still look nostalgically to a time when “there was food, housing and jobs”. People who make these statements do not necessarily condone the ghastly excesses of these regimes, but they look back with nostalgia over the apparent materialistic benefits they reaped.

The failure of our time lies in our inability – the inability of the current political class and the political culture it fosters – to articulate cohesively the centrality of other concerns which are essential to material well-being but which are not materialistic."

The full piece may be read by clicking here.

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