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Amoral Familism

In many of her writings, Daphne Caruana Galizia wrote on how several segments of Maltese society – regardless of party affiliation or social class – can be classified as amoral familists. She was right, and this phenomenon is worth understanding.

Sixty years ago, Edward Banfield explored this concept in the book "The Moral Basis of a Backward Society." In my piece for The Times of Malta (14.V.2018), I explore some characteristics of a society dominated by amoral familism:

"Since the notions of what is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ depend on the whims of those who are in power, “no general principles can be internalised as conscience”. With no internalised principles, individuals will depend on the “promise of rewards and the threat of punishment” to guide their behaviour.

This realistic assessment is chilling. Reading Banfield’s work should not be seen as an act of self-flagellation; rather, it is a challenge for us to recognise our collective shortcomings and to work towards a different political culture...

Banfield’s work remains relevant because it points to a sad, even tragic, reality: that in the pursuit of the short-term material self-interest, many often jeopardise long-term goals."

The full piece may be read by clicking here.

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