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Commonwealth and small states

The biennial Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting – the CHOGM – still manages to draw debate over whether the Commonwealth of nations is a relevant force in the world. As an intergovernmental organisation, it undoubtedly has less clout than other similar organisations. However, for some states, the Commonwealth remains a vital link and a relevant source of reference.

In my piece for The Times of Malta (24.V.2018), I argue that the Commonwealth must strengthen its capacity for advocacy in the fields of democracy and good governance:

"A renewed emphasis on the areas of human rights, good governance and democracy can help the Commonwealth restore its relevance to a number of small states. These areas too contribute to the strengthening of resilience and the reduction of vulnerabilities. After all, an erosion of good governance and democracy may make small states more vulnerable to unscrupulous and corrupt international players."

The full article may be read by clicking here.

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