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The Financial Crisis

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development published a much-needed document calling for an ethical discernment regarding aspects of the present economic-financial system. Oeconomicae et pecuniariae quaestiones follows a long tradition of Vatican pronouncements on matters concerning the economy.

In my piece for The Times of Malta (9.VI.2018), I look at some of the aspects of this document and (hopefully) try to place it within the context of the Church's teaching on economic and social matters:

"It offers a challenging analysis which demonstrates that the Church desires to be both an active participant in society and a contributor to the discussion on matters concerning human dignity and the common good. This dialogue between the world of faith and culture, based on reason and respect, should be encouraged rather than discouraged... this is neither a policy document nor a plan for action. It is a think-piece which should test our thoughts, convictions and actions. While one may disagree on some of its subtler points, it is nonetheless a groundbreaking document which deserves to be given due attention."

The full piece may be read by clicking here.

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