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The Politics of Football

‘Football and politics should not mix’ – so says conventional wisdom. The trouble with trying to exclude politics out of most spheres of society is that it is somewhat impossible to do so.

In my piece for The Times of Malta (22.VI.2018), I look at some of the political elements which affect the beautiful game and I conclude by looking at how politics is destroying the FIFA World Cup tournament, thereby betraying Jules Rimet's aims:

"Russia will find it hard to shake the image of an international pariah which often defaults on matters about human rights and international law. The questions surrounding its bid to host the World Cup will further damage its image. Russia does not seem to care about its international image. However, Fifa’s credibility depends primarily on how it is perceived.

Its reputation as a den of corruption and political intrigue is not likely to improve in this edition and the forthcoming 2022 tournament. Qatar is the most unsuitable of places to host a World Cup, and all the phases of this edition are marred by scandal, corruption and maladministration – not least that involving the treatment of foreign workers in the oil-rich state.

One hundred days before kick-off, a promotional video was released showing Fifa President Giovanni Infantino kicking a ball with Vladimir Putin in one of the Kremlin’s staterooms. It is hard not to grimace at that image since it succinctly sums up part of the problem with this international football tournament – that is, the pervasive influence of corrupt power politics."

The full piece may be read by clicking here.

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