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Sir Thomas More and the Politics of 2018

On the 22nd June, the Church commemorates Sir Thomas More – the 16th-century lawyer, statesman, writer and family man. More went from being one of Henry VIII’s favoured courtiers to one of the most uneasy voices in his court. His refusal to accept the Act of Succession and the Oath of Supremacy led to his execution for treason in July 1535. In my blog for, I reflect on the significance of his actions in 2018:

"Writing to his daughter Margaret, Thomas More explains that he never wanted to pin his conscience to another man’s back, “not even the best man that I know this day living: for I know not where he may hap to carry it.” Those who seek to be honourable in their work would do well to think carefully about More’s words."

The full blog may be read by clicking here.

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