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Theresa May Must Go

An error of judgement can irrevocably change the political life of a person. Theresa May’s decision to call an early election in 2017 did that. Since then, she has hobbled on, from one disaster to another, against all the odds. Her brazen attitude makes up for her lack of competence.

In my piece for The Times of Malta (17.VIII.2018), I argue that, if Theresa May does not resign, she must be pushed:

"May would do well to heed the advice of Sir John Major that “when the curtain falls, it’s time to get off the stage”. She should have long taken her curtain call. The time is now ripe for her colleagues to take stock of the situation and to have the courage to push her off the stage. She no longer has the moral authority to speak on their behalf."

The full piece may be read by clicking here.

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