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How do we get through the abuse scandals?

For Catholics, every news item which deals with clerical sexual abuse elicits hurt, anger and disappointment. It is, and should be, personal. In my blog for, I look at the latest:

"I am reminded of the words of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, weeks before being elected to the See of Rome:

“How much filth there is in the Church, and even among those who, in the priesthood, ought to belong entirely to him! How much pride, how much self-complacency! …The soiled garments and face of your Church throw us into confusion… When we fall, we drag you down to earth.”

We need to re-read these words in order not to fall into a state of complacency. We cannot ignore what went on. Filth exists. Some Bishops covered it up. Victims were not believed. There were attempts to buy their silence. This culture enabled a climate of abuse.

The position of key American bishops is now untenable. If they genuinely cherish their vocation, they must resign."

The full blog may be read by clicking here.

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