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John McCain: Soldier, Senator, Gentleman

I am always torn as to whether I should write tributes about people who had a fundamental impact on the way I see the world. In 2008, I was probably one of the few students who supported Senator McCain over Barack Obama. He was (and remains) a political hero. In The Sunday Times (2.IX.2018), I pay tribute to John McCain and to what he stood for:

"With his death, we do not just mourn his loss but also the politics that died with him. He personified the politics of decency, honour and principle.

McCain taught us that freedom is worth fighting for and that democracy is a universal value which should be championed.

He could turn the most unlikely alliances into real lasting friendships. He showed that dialogue between two opposing positions is possible. When compromise is not reasonable – and some principles should never be subject to compromise – the two sides can still take part in a civil and open debate without being hostile to one another.

He displayed a side to politics which is often forgotten – that one can hold very firm positions while still being decent and honourable to one’s opponent. If there was ever a lesson that needed to be learnt in this era, it is precisely this."

The full article may be read by clicking here.

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