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No time for moral equivalence

Seventy-five years ago, Fascist Italy surrendered. Its fleet began sailing towards Malta where the final instruments of surrender were signed. As the very proud grandson of decorated servicemen, the memory of that day fills me with pride. However, the idea of moral equivalence can lead us astray. I look at some of these issues in today's issue of The Times of Malta (08.IX.2018):

"Moral equivalence – or the idea that all political regimes and political beliefs are as bad (or as good) as each other – is perhaps the most dangerous idea to enter the contemporary political fray. It is more dangerous than populism since it doesn’t recognise any issues which stand out from the rest.

It raises the white flag in the battle of ideas and, thus, fails to engage with the issues at stake. It is an attitude which leads to complacency or the adoption of muddled positions in the spirit of neutrality, objectivity and detachment."

I conclude that, if we truly believe in democracy, we must rally against the spirit of the appeaser and the draft dodger. The full piece may be read by clicking here or on The Times of Malta website.

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