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The Evangelising Pope

Next Sunday, Pope Paul VI will be canonised in Rome alongside Archbishop Romero. In my piece for The Times of Malta (12.X.2018), I look at the life and legacy of Paul VI and argue that there is much to learn from his life and work:

"A tragic dark cloud of indecision and disappointment always seems to hang over the life of Pope Paul VI. And yet, there is much that contemporary Church life could learn from his work.

As Archbishop of Milan he often gave this advice to his priests: “Knock on everybody’s door, but don’t knock the door down.” This advice remains relevant particularly in a Church which is often too timid to knock. He often spoke of the difference between progress and development and that true progress cannot ignore the human dimension.

In this regard, the establishment of the Pontifical Council for Peace and Justice was much needed. The involvement of the laity brought in new energy in the Church. It was through the council that the phrase “People of God” gained traction within the Church.

Finally, Paul VI was prophetic in his defence of the truth – even when this proved to be unpopular and countercultural. Indeed, Pope Paul VI reminds us that the way to God also involves the Way of the Cross.

Paul VI’s life seems to be exemplified in the words of his namesake: “Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”"

The full piece may be read by clicking here.

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