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The Legacy of World War I

This year marks the centenary since the end of the Great War. The commemorations are a reminder of the fragility of peace and the long-lasting effects of the failure to maintain it. Pacifists would argue that war is a futile exercise. The latter argument can oversimplify facts while divesting historical events from their original context. In my piece for The Times of Malta (23.XI.2018), I look at the legacy of these events:

"The recollection of such events is not merely historical. In the field of political science, we can observe both the necessity of maintaining the balance of power and the difficulty of doing so. The aftermath of a conflict is often more significant than the war itself for the cessation of combat does not necessarily lead to an end of hostility or resentment.

What was true before 1914 – maintaining the balance of powers, protecting the territorial integrity of nation-states, and keeping over-ambitious powers in check – remains valid today.

The aftermath of the events which ended a century ago reminds us of the catastrophic results of the failure to maintain them."

The full piece may be read by clicking here.

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