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Our Liquid Generation

The sociologist Zygmunt Bauman’s last book, Born Liquid, consists of a conversation with the Italian journalist Thomas Leoncini. It is a book which speaks of the experiences of those born after the mid-1980s – a generation that was ‘born liquid’ and thus feels at home in a society of constant flux. I was born in 1987 and this is the generation I am part of. His observations are, thus, challenging but worrying.

In my piece for The Times of Malta (21.I.2019), I explore the meaning of being "born liquid" in the light of some recent events:

"Where does this leave our generation? I believe it should force us to take a hard look at ourselves, at our values, at our attitudes and at the worth we assign to the concepts which we have long taken for granted – the value of human life, the importance of dialogue and the democratic system. The desire to show superiority coupled with the indifference to evil is a lethal combination. If we choose to encourage this attitude, we are complicit in a dark attempt to undermine our societies and our well-being."

The full piece may be read by clicking here.

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