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Weeping for Notre-Dame

Something different from the rest; perhaps a more personal piece for The Times of Malta (27.IV.2019) in which I try to look at why people would possibly mourn at the destruction of Notre Dame.

The Gospel reading of Jesus being anointed by Mary in the house of Martha, Mary and Lazarus was read on that fateful day. It proves to be particularly poignant:

"This was also the case with those who, throughout the ages helped to make Notre-Dame a unique place of faith and encounter with God. They gave generously without counting the cost; it was not a project of vanity, nor was it useless. Instead, its awe-inspiring beauty tried to make sense of that which words cannot easily express. People are drawn to beauty. However, once one experiences that beauty, the senses seek to go deeper and further...

Permanence and transcendence run counter to a materialist culture, which increasingly offers satisfaction but is shorn of meaning and purpose. As the fires ravaged and threatened Notre-Dame, it was as though the very stones cried out, “do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and your children”.

Part of us weeps for Notre-Dame because we realise that, within that building, there was something which every one of us seeks and hopes to find."

The full piece may be read on The Times of Malta website.

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