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‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ at 70

George Orwell’s novel ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ was published in June 1949. Just over 70 years since its publication, Orwell’s dystopic novel still ignites many an imagination. In my piece for The Times of Malta (18.VI.2019) I look at some of the reasons why:

"Orwell’s work still finds resonance because it taps into something more profound that ails every democracy. No democratic government – be it socialist, liberal, centrist or conservative – is immune to certain impulses. Orwell identifies most of them and makes us question our politics and our actions...

We also seem to have come round to Big Brother. While democracy is radically different from authoritarianism, it nonetheless is prone to the rise of the technocrat – those individuals who are supposedly more knowledgeable about everything and anything but are not accountable to anyone.

In the bleak and dystopic world of Nineteen Eighty-Four, there is very little hope. The most unlikely source of brief resistance comes from the flawed, ordinary and somewhat unlikeable Winston Smith. And so it is in our societies. We fail ourselves when we do not realise the significance of lone voices that stand up to the madness of the crowds."

The full piece may be read on The Times of Malta website by clicking here.

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