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Is liberalism obsolete?

President Putin's comments on liberalism made me think a little bit about liberalism and its ideals. I hope my liberal friends will forgive my attempt to write about this topic.

In my piece for The Times (02.VII.2019) I argue that liberalism isn't obsolete, but it is in need of reform:

"The kind of ‘liberalism’ which rejects having meaningful debates is alive and kicking. Alas, it is an unhelpful caricature of what real liberalism is. As it stands, this caricature of liberalism is one of the greatest threats to liberalism itself. In this respect, Putin is wrong – liberalism is not obsolete. However, it needs reform... liberalism is threatened not by political actions and political decisions but, instead, by its rejection of any roots which allow it to thrive and grow. "

The full piece may be read by clicking here.

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