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A Dangerous Sign of the Times

The Mediterranean is not just a playground for holidaymakers. It is also a large, unmarked grave. The pleasure boats and cruise ships share the waterways with what Pope Francis called “vehicles of death.” Two stories that made the headlines during the last month give us a glimpse of what is going on in our waters.

In my piece for The Times of Malta (24.VIII.2019), I discuss such issues and Pope Francis' contribution to the debate:

"Faith is not just about brandishing rosary beads in public rallies or sitting in the front row at religious ceremonies and feasts. Undoubtedly those are important aspects, but they remain meaningless of not accompanied by constant inward conversion...

Pope Francis concludes that issues concerning migration 'help us to read the signs of the times'. This situation is just a microcosm that reminds us of our need to 'be set free from exclusivity, indifference and the throw-away culture.'

If such attitudes are allowed to grow and fester, what hope is there for the other political, social and economic challenges that also require a good measure of solidarity?"

The full piece may be read on The Times of Malta website.

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