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The Charming Charlatan

When President Jacques Chirac died, a friend of mine told me, "I'm sure you're writing something about him." I was. Then he added, "and I think deep down you liked him." I did and do. But I do not admire him. His polished veneer served to mask other less flattering characteristics.

In my piece for The Sunday Times of Malta (29.IX.2019), I take a look at the life and politics of President Jacques Chirac who passed away earlier this week:

"With his passing, France and Europe mourn a man who dominated French politics for over five decades. Many remember him as an amiable, charming man with a sense of humour. Disliking him is no easy task.

These character traits, however, mask a more sinister aspect which is never praiseworthy in a politician. He lacked principle. He could easily switch from militant Communist to convinced Gaullist; from a sceptic of European federalism to a champion of the European constitution; from a supporter of the free market to a supporter of a more generous welfare state.

In death, as in life, his true convictions remain an enigma. Perhaps, Chirac only ever stood for himself, his ambitions and his political survival – a very sad predicament for someone who showed so much promise and who had so much potential."

The full piece may be read by clicking here.


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