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The Greatest Englishman

Every so often, I go out of my comfort zone and write about some people or some issues which mean a great deal to me. They are a bit more personal than the usual political commentary and I am always unsure of committing my thoughts to paper on such matters. Cardinal John Henry Newman is such a person.

In my piece for The Times of Malta (11.X.2019), I look at the life of one of the greatest Englishmen:

"In an age of great scientific discovery, there was a temptation to try to look for signs of God in the new findings. Newman thought otherwise. He wrote: “I believe in design because I believe in God, not in a God because I see a design.” Rather than having an eye to explore one’s surroundings, he believed that one needs to go inwards, within one’s conscience, to recognise that which is lasting.

Though undoubtedly an intellectual, Newman distrusted the intellect. One may be bright, but intelligence does not necessarily open the mind to truths that matter.

Through his reading of the Fathers of the Church, he realised the Church needed to go beyond religious formalities and empty sermons. The works of the early Christian writers were for him a compass which helps the faithful unravel and live with the great mysteries."

The full piece may be read on The Times of Malta website by clicking here.

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