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22nd edition of the St. Augustine Lecture

The Augustinian Institute in Pietà is holding two lectures on the problem of time in Augustine’s thought. The lecture was instituted at the University of Malta by Revd Professor Salvino Caruana OSA in 1998, and is held in conjunction with the Faculty of Theology of the University of Malta, and the Archdiocesan Foundation for the promotion of Theological Studies.

For this year’s edition, the 22nd, Prof Martijn Boven from Groningen University, The Netherlands, was invited to discuss the topic Augustine of Hippo on Time.

On Wednesday, 27th November 2019 at 19.00, Prof. Boven will discuss the topic: The Threefold Present: how Augustine re-invented Time. The venue for the lecture will be Gateway Hall E, University of Malta, and Revd Dr Mark Sultana from the Faculty of Theology, will chair the evening. Entrance is free, and a reception will be held afterwards in the foyer adjacent to Gateway Hall E.

On Friday, 29th November 2019, at 18.00, Prof. Boven will discuss the theme The Splintered mind: Augustine’s ingenious response to the problem of time. The venue will be St Augustine’s Hall, Augustinian Institute, Gwardamangia Hill, Pietà. I will chair the event. Entrance is free, parking available in St. Augustine’s College grounds, and a reception will be given after the lecture.

For more information visit the website of the Augustinian Province.

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