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Making the Case for Gozo

In the latest issue of Melita Historica (Vol. XVII, No. 3), I review Sergio Grech's book "Anton Tabone: Il-Pont bejn Għawdex Reġjun u Malta Nazzjon."

Grech is not new to the biographical genre. As with his previous publications, he bases his research on in-depth interviews and extensive primary research in public and private archives. His work is accessible and flowing. It is also much needed given the reluctance of many to wade into the territory of contemporary Maltese political biographies.

The book is an excellent addition to any Melitensia collection. The author draws parallels between the political journey of Anton Tabone and the quest for additional recognition for Gozo as an island-region. This quest is far from over; this book provides an excellent historical and biographical background to a cause and a case which often needs to be made with renewed vigour.

The book may be purchased from the website of the publishers - KITE Group - and other major bookstores.

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