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2020: Testing Visions

In my piece for The Times of Malta (10.I.2020), I write about the year 2020 and what this may bring in terms of anniversaries, elections and domestic developments.

"In ophthalmic circles, a 20/20 vision describes “normal visual acuity.” In layman’s terms, this implies a clear and sharp vision. While not necessarily denoting perfect vision, this term has found its way into the political lexicon.

It is a term which suits politicians; after all, politicians are not in the business of reaching perfection, but they are expected to offer clear and sharp political visions. It also provided politicians with a target date – 2020 – by which some of these visions had to be realised.

Ophthalmic terminology can prove to be rather apt when describing political visions. We can easily detect examples of hyperopia or the inability to solve short-term issues; presbyopia or the inability to focus on specific issues and myopia or the failure to have foresight."

The full piece may be read on The Times of Malta website.

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