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When greed triumphs

The life of Miriam Pace was snuffed out in a second’s instance. Her bereaved family lost their mother, wife and companion. They also lost their family home, where so many precious memories were undoubtedly made throughout the years.

In my piece in The Sunday Times of Malta (15.III.2020), I look at some of the issues we need to deal with as a society. I argue that, as with all other political problems, this also deals with the way we look at, and value personhood:

"If we limit freedom to that of satisfying one’s own needs, we would be entering dangerous territory; we would be shifting from the law of man to the law of the jungle because “freedom needs a communal content” which could define and guarantee human rights.

Ratzinger develops his argument further. Institutions – as guarantors of our freedoms – “cannot be maintained and work without common ethical convictions.” These ethical convictions can only be strengthened if one believes in a “core of humanity” and in fostering “the genuine common good”."

The full piece may be read on the website of The Times of Malta.

And, if you've read so far, please do not forget to support Mrs Pace's family - either through prayer or, if you can, by giving a donation. May she rest in peace and may her family find comfort and solace during this difficult time.

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