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The leader the world needs

Pope Francis is, undoubtedly, a popular figure. However, some aspects of his papacy may have made him a somewhat divisive figure.

In my piece for The Sunday Times of Malta (19.IV.2020), I look at why Pope Francis is the leader the world needs at the moment:

"Unlike other world leaders, Pope Francis did not engage in posturing. There was no artificial facade. There was no attempt to be upbeat and optimistic. He did not pretend that he had the situation under control. He suffers with his flock.

It isn’t, however, surprising that Pope Francis’s most significant moment came at this most terrible time for humanity. Perhaps we’ve misunderstood his Pontificate; it was not about ‘reform’, or ‘openness’ or whatever other catchphrase is thrown at us from time to time. It wasn’t even about being ‘all things to all people’.

Instead, it was about Pope Francis’s vision of the Church as a ‘field hospital’."

The full piece may be read by clicking on the Times of Malta website by clicking here.

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