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Party which changed Europe

The Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) is marking its 75th anniversary. During the past 75 years it has re-shaped Germany and Europe. In my piece for The Times of Malta (2.VII.2020), I look at some of its achievements and I argue that the CDU's development has some lessons for Christian Democracy and Europe and their continued relevance:

"Firstly, it wanted to bring into its fold as many democratic forces as was possible. This served to prevent the political fragmentation which allowed for the rise of totalitarianism.

Secondly, it was an inter-confessional party bringing together Catholics, Protestants and those who had no religious beliefs. This was never done at the expense of principle and its Christian ethos.

Thirdly, it sought to reassure and build bridges with the victors of the war without sacrificing its own vision for the country."

The full piece may be read on The Times of Malta website.

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