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Some insights from the writings of Dom Mintoff

My chapter in the forthcoming publication "Public Life in Malta III", edited by Dr Mario Vassallo and Dr Carmel Tabone OP, is titled "The ‘Mighty Pen’ as a Political Tool: Some insights from the writings of Dom Mintoff." It supplements some of my earlier studies on the rhetoric and the leadership styles of Mr Mintoff.

Dom Mintoff (1916 – 2012) was one of the most defining political figures of Malta’s post-colonial period. During his time as leader of the Malta Labour Party (1949 – 1984), he also served in various constitutional roles including Prime Minister (1955 – 1958; 1971 – 1984) and Leader of the Opposition (1950 – 1955; 1962 – 1971). His time in office was characterised by tumultuous changes in Malta’s constitutional arrangements within an ever-changing and uncertain international context.

Though much has been written about his rhetorical skills, less attention has been given to his written output published throughout the years in various newspapers and stand-alone pamphlets. In 2018, his memoir was published posthumously.

This study examines a selection of writings written by Dom Mintoff over a period spanning forty years. Such writings, often peppered with autobiographical references, offer a unique view of “the world surrounding the self” (Lee, 2009). It hopes to provide an insight into a yet-understudied aspect of Dom Mintoff’s political life.

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