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2021: The 'Return to Normalcy'?

A century ago, during the 1920 US presidential election campaign, Warren G Harding ran on a slogan promising a “return to normalcy”. The same rhetoric seems to be in use today. In my piece for The Sunday Times of Malta (3.I.2021), I look at some of the things which might take place in the forthcoming year:

"Whether we like it or not, the future will be different. It will be more diffident, less personal and more remote – significantly so as most of our daily interactions have shifted online. Moreover, suspicion of globalisation is likely to remain.

Perhaps, the aptest quote to describe the future was uttered by the great anti-Nazi Bishop of Munster, Cardinal Clemens August Graf von Galen. When sparring with the British occupying forces, he was prone to remind them: 'All’s well that ends well, as your Shakespeare says; but we are not at the end yet!'"

The full piece may be read on The Times of Malta website by clicking here.

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