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In the shadows of war

2023 will be characterised by the ongoing war in Ukraine. It has also forced the West to confront some questions of an existential nature:

"In re-appraising its relevance on the world stage, the West may need to confront some of its previous assertions. The war in Ukraine highlights the importance of borders and their role – and why such boundaries should not be violated. It raises the importance of history and how the past has a bearing on the present and the future.

It forces us to look at questions of culture and identity. It has highlighted the importance of an international legal order defined by states and which must be respected by signatories. It does so in the face of an existential threat, making the vacuous debates of wokeness irrelevant and puerile."

I write about this and more in my piece for The Sunday Times of Malta (1.I.2023) which may be read by clicking here.

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