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Models for the Church

In my piece for The Times of Malta (14.V.2022), I argue that two persons who are to be canonised on May 15 - Charles de Foucauld and Titus Brandsma - have much to teach our Church:

"These two remarkable persons have much to teach our current Church. Firstly, they show us that a Church that is only involved in social engagement without contemplation and prayer loses its credibility and function. Secondly, they showed that contemplation centred on self-fulfilment becomes a caricature of what it is meant to be – it becomes indistinguishable from modern-day self-help claptrap. Thirdly, they are a symbol of a Church which is not indifferent to the political changes and the culture it finds itself in but it remains distinct and does not allow itself to be swallowed up by this."

The full piece may be read by clicking here.


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